Sabtu, 06 Maret 2010

I’ve been embarrassing myself. (part 1)

Ashamed. Ashamed. Ashamed. Awesomely, I’ve been embarrassing myself. Life is full of choices, and I’m the stupid one who does all the choices. So smart I am!
And the effect is really massive. I got ashamed in my church. I’ve broken my name in my church. What another effects?!

Let me tell you how it’s going on:
I have 3 promises to Rekat, Mudika 10, and Mudika Stasi. Rekat was at 3 p.m., Mudika 10 was at 6 p.m., and Mudika Stasi was at 7 p.m.
Actually, I must choice one of them. Stupidly, I wanna do all of my promises.

Well, if you wanna see the complete story (by the way, it’s in bahasa), caught on the next post.

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