Thursday night..Exactly on Thursday, February 25th 2010..
I sat down in front of my hunny laptop and feel sad.. I wanna cry but I'm not allowed to cry..
Let me tell the story:
I've joined for an organizer for "Fishing Competition". It'll be held on 7th of March at Stasi BMR.. My responsibillity is being a good 'Humas'. Confused with 'Humas'?? 'Humas' is a person or group to promote the event in public. Brilliantly, I've had many ideas to done my responsibility.
I realized that I haven't attended the meeting for more than 5 times. But, I have a logical reason. My parents don't permit me to attend the meeting in week days (hello, I'm still a student).. Why must the meeting hold on week days? Is it my fault? Actually, NO!!
Another case. When I could attend the meeting, My Grandma passed away.. So, is it also my fault if I couldn't attend that meeting?? (*If you say YES, I think you DON'T HAVE ANY HEART!!)
And now, I got another case that's different with before. Today is Thursday and luckily, today's night is Holiday Night. I've prepared everything for meeting at this evening.. But, I still waited for invitation that sent via SMS.. Hmmph, minute by minute, hour by hour, there's no invitation for meeting at my Inbox.. So, I thought there's no meeting on this Thursday.. I felt little dissapointed.. But, yeah, I can handle it..
Surprisingly, A MEETING HOLD DOWN TODAY AT 20.00 p.m. While I'm enjoying my facebook, I read Mbak Mira's status (FYI, she's a member of organizer).. She said that SHE WAS IN MEETING AT STASI NOW.. (*thanks for facebook)

I feel REALLY DISSAPOINTED.. Why no one told me about the meeting? Is it because I'M NOT IMPORTANT FOR THE ORGANIZER? Or.. Evily, I can ask: Do they just need my BEAUTIFUL FRIEND?
If all of them think that I can't do my responsibility, I'll explain.!
If all of them think that I'm not important anymore, I'll quit.!
If all of them just need my BEAUTIFUL FRIEND, with a big heart, just take her for your bussiness.!
I feel like an unappreciate member in a organizer..
But I hope, it's just my CellPhone's error.. But, all messages from my contacts joined in my inbox.. and there's no one error things with my inbox..
So, whose fault in this case??
I'm trying to find the answer..
GBU always.